The Los Baños Liberation Memorial Scholarship Foundation

Our Scholarship Foundation

To help keep the memory and meaning of the Los Baños rescue alive, a small group of civilian ex-prisoners of war established the Los Baños Liberation Memorial Scholarship Foundation, Inc (LBLMSF). The original goal of the Foundation Was to “grant four scholarships per year of $250.00 each to academically bright students of Philippine citizenship enrolled at the Rural High School of the University of the Philippines in Los Baños.”  18 years later, with the generous support of members of the 11th Airborne Division and grateful family members of internees, the LBLMSF has expanded the number of 4 high school scholarships to 15 and 2 college scholarships. Since 2003, 234 students have not only received a valuable education, but every year, on the anniversary of the Liberation of Los Baños, these students provide an exhibition of artwork, creative writing, and dramatic re-enactment of the event.
The Los Baños Liberation Memorial Scholarship Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, tax-exempt California corporation, organized and operated exclusively for educational purposes. Through tax-deductible contributions, the Foundation has created a permanent endowment fund.  The scholarships are granted only out of the interest income generated by investment.

This doesn’t mean that the Los Baños Liberation Memorial Scholarship Foundation is resting on its laurels. Our vision is to continue to expand the number of scholarships as well as increase the amount.
We owe it to the past, present, and future generations to keep the historical and personal memories alive. The Los Baños Liberation Memorial Scholarship Foundation is a living memorial to the courage and beauty of the brave souls involved in one of the most significant events of World War II.

Become A Donor

From two grants of $250 in 2003, the Los Banos Liberation Memorial Scholarship Foundation has grown to 15 scholarships per year for students enrolled at the University of the Philippines Rural High School in Los Banos and two scholarships for students continuing on to the University.